quarta-feira, 15 de abril de 2015

Unit 3 FINAL

Finn and Shake

Resultado de imagem para finn e shakeThey are treasure hunters.Finn has a golden sword And Shake has crazy power He has a friend named Princess jujube.

Unit 3 Part 1

05 to 06 about my family.

The name of my mother is Silvia she is 39.
The name of my father is Juliano he is 40.
I have a sister.
I have grandparents.
I have a brother.

Unit 2 FINAL

05 TO 06 sentences about my favorite hobby.

Resultado de imagem para assassin's creed 400x400My favorite game is assassin´s cred.

My favorite video game is xbox.

My second favorite game is GTA V.

Resultado de imagem para youtubeMy favorite web site is YouTube.                                                                                                  

Resultado de imagem para pewdiepie

My favorite chanel is PewDiePie.

Unit 2 Part 3

That This ...

Resultado de imagem para that

Unit 2 Part 2

Picture Classroom

There is a teacher,a blackboard,a writing table,a Mr.Chair.

Unit 2 Part 1

Hobby Pictionary


Resultado de imagem para bicicleta happy wheels                                                                                                                                                                                           
My hobby is ride a bike.

My favorite hobby is play video games.


Resultado de imagem para gatos dirigindo carros


Resultado de imagem para noooooo

Noooooooo!NOOOOOOOO Why i´m screameng?!

Resultado de imagem para shit

Shit I stepped in shit!

Resultado de imagem para silent hill

Best Game Terror EVER !

segunda-feira, 13 de abril de 2015

Unit 1 FINAL


Resultado de imagem para Will Smith

He is Will Smith, he was Big Momma´s.

Resultado de imagem para Centralia

Centralia is a ghost town because had some coal mines that burned in 1969 but did not realize that the fire would do some damage in the city in 1976 the asphalt started cracking because the fire then people started coming out.
 In 2000 only 26 people left in the city now in 2015 has not anyone but coal continues to burn up to 250 years away.